What is Binge Eating

Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of overeating. During these episodes, a person may typically feel out of control and quickly consume large amounts of food, often followed by feelings of shame and guilt. Many with binge eating disorder continue overeating even when it leads to discomfort, increasing the risk of physical health problems.

Signs & Symptoms

Binge Eating

To receive a formal diagnosis of binge eating disorder, an individual must experience at least one overeating episode per week for 3 months or more.

Lack of Control

People suffering from binge eating disorder may feel out of control during and overwhelmed during episodes of overeating.

Eating Alone

Binge eating disorder causes some people to feel uncomfortable eating in front of family members, friends, or even strangers.

Food-Related Rituals

Some with binge eating disorder develop rituals related to eating like only eating alone, restricting themselves to one type of food, or chewing food excessively before swallowing.

Abnormal Eating Behaviors

Binge eating disorder disrupts an individual’s normal eating habits, which may cause them to skip meals, follow fad diets, or develop other unusual eating behaviors.

Weight Fluctuations

Depending on how often a person with binge eating disorder overeats, their weight may increase or decrease over time.

Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

Do you engage in episodes of overeating accompanied by guilt or shame? Click below to take our eating disorders quiz.

Treatment Options for Binge Eating Disorder

  • During individual psychotherapy, a trained therapist will discuss your eating habits and other symptoms with you. They may recommend therapeutic tools like cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy to help you develop a better relationship with food.

  • Medications may be used by your residential care team to help control anxiety, depression, or other psychological symptoms of a binge eating disorder.

  • Nutrition counseling can help you learn how to listen to your body’s natural cues again since it’s common to forget what it’s like to have a healthy relationship with food after experiencing a binge eating disorder for several months or years.

Luxury Treatment for Binge Eating

Binge eating disorders can cause lasting physical and emotional consequences without proper treatment. Our comprehensive treatment program offers a private and comfortable setting for you to make a lasting recovery.

Your plan may include psychotherapy, medications, nutrition counseling and other services to address your symptoms. Our team of compassionate professionals will help you navigate the first steps of recovery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Like other eating disorders, binge eating disorder is more common in women than men. Approximately 1.25% of adult women have BED, compared to just 0.42% of adult men. Binge eating disorder also affects teenagers. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases estimates that 1.6% of teens between the ages of 13 and 18 are affected by BED.

Binge eating has several potential risks depending on what type of food you consume and how often you engage in overeating. Binge eating may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Overeating is also associated with an increased risk of gallstones, which can block the bile ducts in your digestive system, increasing the risk of serious liver diseases and life-threatening infections.

On its own, overeating once in a while doesn’t mean you have an eating disorder. You may overeat if you’re celebrating a special occasion or having such a good time that you’re unaware how much you’re consuming. Binge eating disorder causes recurrent episodes of overeating often accompanied by feelings of guilt and shame. Therefore, overeating isn’t exactly the same as binge eating. You don’t have binge eating disorder unless you have at least one overeating episode per week for at least 3 months in a row.
Binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa both cause recurrent episodes of overeating. The main difference between the two eating disorders is that people with bulimia nervosa alternate bingeing with purging or other compensatory behaviors. They may force themselves to vomit after eating, perform excessive exercise, or abuse laxatives to counteract the effects of their bingeing. People with BED don’t engage in these compensatory behaviors.

No single factor causes binge eating disorder. Instead, multile combined factors may increase your risk of developing BED. Your genetic makeup, the way you think about your weight, and your psychological health can all affect your risk of developing this condition. For some, living in a weight-obsessed culture increases the risk of developing BED or another eating disorder.